Students Achievements



  1. Valerio Alfieri Research Fellow at LENAI ISTC-CNR, PhD Student in Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience, Computational and Systems Neuroscience at School of Advanced Studies at Università di Camerino
  2. Stefano Bargione PhD student in AI (track Health and Life Sciences) at Università Campus Bio-Medico
  3. Irene Bervava PhD student and Research Fellow at National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)
  4. Francesca Campione PhD student at Università Sapienza di Roma
  5. Eleonora Catena PhD student at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Centre for Philosophy and AI Research {PAIR}
  6. Marco Celotto PhD student at the Neural Computation Lab at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
  7. Sebastian D’Addario PostDoc at Fondazione Santa Lucia
  8. Fabio D’Amore Research Fellow at CTNLab ISTC-CNR
  9. Flora Giocondo Research Fellow at LENAI/CTNLab ISTC-CNR
  10. Arianna Graciotti PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering at Università di Bologna
  11. Giovanni Granato PhD student with University of Plymouth (UK) and ISTC-CNR
  12. Marianna Lanza PhD student at Università Campus Bio Medico di Roma
  13. Alessandro Marchetti PhD student in AI at Università Campus Bio Medico di Roma
  14. Andrea Mattera Research Fellow at LENAI ISTC-CNR
  15. Francesco Mattioli Research Grant at LABSS ISTC-CNR
  16. Pierandrea Mirino PhD student in Behavioral Neuroscience at Sapienza University and Research Fellow at CTNLab ISTC-CNR
  17. Francesco Montedori Research Fellow at LENAI/CTNLab ISTC-CNR
  18. Davide Montella Research Grant at LENAI ISTC-CNR
  19. Andrea Morelli Research Fellow at LENAI ISTC-CNR
  20. Daniele Sasso PhD student at Università Campus Bio-Medico
  21. Aurelia Schirripa PhD student at Università Sapienza di Roma
  22. Christian Tamantini PhD student in Scienze e Ingegneria per l’Uomo e l’Ambiente at Università Campus Bio Medico di Roma
  23. Emiliano Trimarco PhD student at Cadice University
  24. Riccarco Vasellini PhD student at Università di Siena


  1. Luca Leonardo Sisto Data Stampa
  2. Francesca Bertino Data Engineer at Capgemini
  3. Gianfrancesco Angelini Data Scientist at Prometeia
  4. Leandro De Persiis Developing a chatbot within the ISTC-CNR – Affidaty srl partnership | Software specialist at IAD  
  5. Francesco Montedori Developing an artificial intelligence for pollution monitoring (feasibility study) within the ISTC-CNR – Spacearth Technologies srl
  6. Francesco Palini Big Data Engineer at Agile Lab
  7. Frederick Richard Internship at AI2Life


  1. Marco Celotto Co-Founder of Vendor
  2. Leandro De Persiis Co-Founder of SimplifAI Ted (future BonusX)
  3. Giovanni Pizza Founder of  BonusX  the first company in Italy to develop digital solutions to simplify bureaucracy and facilitate access to facilitated social and tax benefits
  4. Adriano Capirchio and Pierandrea Mirino Co-Founder of AI2Life S.r.l. ISTC-CNR Spin-off developing AI solutions out of the lab.



  1. Laura Rossi Member of the Team winning the 1st place in Hackathon Accessibility Days 2020 with the Project MOMO AID, AI system that translates the LIS into text and speech
  2. Christian Tamantini 2nd place at the GNB Datathon2020 Degree award “Laboratory of biosignals, bioimages and bioinformatics”, Politecnico di Milano


  1. Deposito domanda di brevetto per invenzione industriale in Italia
    Titolo: “Sistema incorporato e multimodale per il controllo di macchine e piattaforme virtuali”
    Inventori: Gianluca Baldassarre; Massimiliano Bruni; Adriano Capirchio;
    Maria Luisa Di Muzio; Chiara Fanco; Francesco Mattioli; Francesco Palini

Funds got

  1. Funding received from Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (FISM), Università di Genova (Monica Biggio), Università Campus Bio-Medico, ISTC-CNR. The project uses artificial intelligence for studying neural mechanisms underlying the emergence of multiple sclerosis.
  2. Funding received from the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria
    Senese, ISS (Livia Cosentino), IRCCS Oasi Troina and ISTC-CNR, in the field of rare diseases. The project (called ANTICIPATED) uses artificial intelligence for the prediction of symptom onset and phenotypic variability in Rett syndrome.


  1. Angelini, G., Malvaso, A., Schirripa, A., Campione, F., D’Addario, S. L., Toschi, N., & Caligiore, D. (2024). Unraveling sex differences in Parkinson’s disease through explainable machine learning. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 123091.
  2. Malvaso, A., Panarese, S., Catalano, M., Migliore, M., & Caligiore, D. (2024). Advanced perspectives for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease through machine learning techniques. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 122.
  3. Campione, F., Catena, E., Schirripa, A., & Caligiore, D. (2023) Creatività umana e intelligenza artificiale generativa: similarità, differenze e prospettive. Sistemi intelligenti, 1-26.
  4. Mattioli, F., Maglianella, V., D’Antonio, S., Trimarco, E., & Caligiore, D. (2023). Non-invasive brain stimulation for patients and healthy subjects: Current challenges and future perspectives. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 122825.
  5. Biggio, M., Caligiore, D., D’Antoni, F., Bove, M., & Merone, M. (2022). Machine learning for exploring neurophysiological functionality in multiple sclerosis based on trigeminal and hand blink reflexes. Scientific Reports12(1), 1-10.
  6. Caligiore, D., Giocondo, F., & Silvetti, M. (2022). The Neurodegenerative Elderly Syndrome (NES) hypothesis: Alzheimer and Parkinson are two faces of the same disease. IBRO Neuroscience Reports, 13, 330-343.
  7. Afferni, P., Cascino-Milani, F., Mattera, A., Baldassarre, G. (2022). A neuro-inspired computational model of life-long learning and catastrophic interference, mimicking hippocampus novelty-based dopamine modulation and lateral inhibitory plasticity. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 16
  8. Merone, M., D’Addario, S.L, Mirino, P., Bertino, F., Guariglia, C., Ventura, R., Capirchio, A., Baldassarre, G., Silvetti, M., & Caligiore, D. (2022). A multi-expert ensemble system for predicting Alzheimer transition using clinical features. Brain Informatics 9, 1-11.
  9. Di Vincenzo, M., Palini, F., De Marsico, M. Borghi, A.M. & Baldassarre, G. (2022). A natural human-drone embodied interface: empirical comparison with a traditional interface. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 137.
  10. Farinella, F., Merone, M., Bacco, L., Capirchio, A., Ciccozzi, M., & Caligiore, D. (2022). Machine Learning analysis of high-grade serous ovarian cancer proteomic dataset reveals novel candidate biomarkers. Scientific Reports, 12, 1-12.
  11. Giocondo, F., Borghi, A. M., Baldassarre, G., & Caligiore, D. (2022). Emotions Modulate Affordances-Related Motor Responses: A Priming Experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  12. Pianca, F., & Santucci, V. G. (2022). Interdependence as the key for an ethical artificial autonomy. AI & Society, 1-15.
  13. Marconi L., Sonzogni B., Cecconi F. (2021) Improving social stability: a democracy perception analysis in the European- In: SOCIOLOGIA. – ISSN 0038-0156. – 1.
  14. Trimarco, E., Mirino, P., & Caligiore, D. (2021) Cortico-Cerebellar Hyper-Connections and Reduced Purkinje Cells Behind Abnormal Eyeblink Conditioning in a Computational Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 15.
  15. Caligiore, D., Montedori, F., Buscaglione, S., & Capirchio, A. (2021). Increasing Serotonin to Reduce Parkinsonian Tremor. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 66.
  16. Mustile, M., Giocondo, F., Caligiore, D., Borghi, A. M., & Kourtis, D. (2021). Motor inhibition to dangerous objects: Electrophysiological evidence for task-dependent aversive affordances. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-14. 
  17. Tamantini, C., Di Luzio, F. S., Cordella, F., Pascarella, G., Agro, F. E., & Zollo, L. (2021). A Robotic Health-Care Assistant for COVID-19 Emergency: A Proposed Solution for Logistics and Disinfection in a Hospital Environment. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine
  18. Granato, G., & Baldassarre, G. (2021). Internal Manipulation of Perceptual Representations in Human Flexible Cognition: A Computational Model. Neural Networks. Under revision. 
  19. Caligiore, D., & Mirino, P. (2020). How the Cerebellum and Prefrontal Cortex Cooperate During Trace Eye Blinking Conditioning. International Journal of Neural Systems, 30(08), 2050041.
  20. Celotto, M., De Luca, C., Resta, P. M. F., Allegra Mascaro, A. L., Pavone, F. S., De Bonis, G., & Paolucci, P. S. (2020). Analysis and model of cortical slow waves acquired with optical techniques. Methods and protocols, 3(1), 14.
  21. Marconi L., Cecconi F. (2020). Opinion dynamics and consensus formation in a Deffuant model with extremists and moderates. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01534.
  22. Granato, G., Borghi, A. M., & Baldassarre, G. (2020). A computational model of language functions in flexible goal-directed behaviour. Nature Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-13.
  23. Mattera, A., Pagani, M., & Baldassarre, G. (2020). A computational model integrating multiple phenomena on cued fear conditioning, extinction, and reinstatement. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 14.
  24. Mirino, P., Trimarco, E. Caligiore, D. (2020). Atypical cerebellar processing on delay eyeblink conditioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a computational hypothesis. International Conference of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), 11-15/07/2020 
  25. Lauretti, C., Cordella, F., Tamantini, C., Gentile, C., di Luzio, F. S., & Zollo, L. (2020). A Surgeon-Robot Shared Control for Ergonomic Pedicle Screw Fixation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), 2554-2561
  26. Lanata, A., Greco, A., Di Modica, S., Niccolini, F., Vivaldi, F., Di Francesco, F., Tamantini, C., … & Scilingo, E. P. (2020, June). A New Smart-Fabric based Body Area Sensor Network for Work Risk Assessment. In 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (pp. 187-190). IEEE
  27. Lapresa, M., Tamantini, C., di Luzio, F. S., Cordella, F., Bravi, M., Miccinilli, S., & Zollo, L. (2020, June). A Smart Solution for Proprioceptive Rehabilitation through M-IMU Sensors. In 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (pp. 591-595). IEEE